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Recomp on test cycle reddit. 8k calories a day? No probs either.

Recomp on test cycle reddit We have a human study showing: Bryan's Test base + injectable sarms recomp cycle - AnabolicMinds. Now test+tren+anadrol are my best friends on bulking. 5 mg EOD, enough enclomiphene and nolvadex for ptc. I ran Test EQ and Tbol. Gained 10+ pounds, tried to keep the same angle and lighting. I honestly never really kept track on the scale. 8k calories a day? No probs either. I lift 2-3 days a week and do cardio 5 days a week. I started out with 1g EQ and 840 test and had my E2 in the 20s on non-sensitive test. might kickstart the cycle with 2 wks of 125 mg of dnp. Because I could have added 1000mg of test and not gotten the same results. No test is very common amongst old school (50s and older) bodybuilders. Bloodwork at the start of the cycle was normal. The best you’ll get out of it is shrunk nuts, shutdown hormonal system and maybe, maybe a tiny bit of body recomp and the chance that you’ve ruined your natural hormones for life. I have 1 bottle of test left so I will run HGH with and without the test this year to see if I can get off the test. Start of cycle I was around 13. Here's a comparison pictureImage Left was no juice and right is after my 2nd cycle. As opposite to the ”Super high doses of tren cycles”, let’s do a thread for low doses of tren cycles. So I am really looking forward to my first test cycle. I'm a pretty hard gainer (inb4 eat more blah blah) I'm about 190lbs at 6'0 and pretty easily sub 12% so for this reason alone I think a quick 12 week bulk starting mid may on cycle followed by a strict recomp/cut at a 200-300 calorie deficit over 16 weeks may be the way to go Adding Dbol to a test/tren recomp I've been running 250test E and 700 TrenA/week for the past few weeks. In your second cycle you have said that you'll run the prop weeks 1-2 and enth weeks 3-16. Internet Culture (Viral) Adding test back solved this. 500 mg a week for 15 weeks. Issue you might run into is if you haven't run short esters, be prepared to be a pin cushion, I'll be pinning daily on my cycle and I'd expect you to do the same. I’ve done 500mg cycles with so so results because my diet and sleep were lacking. The good news is nowhere in said range is an appropriate starting point for a first cycle. Serum creatinine was on the higher side at 1. Or check it out in the app stores 5 month transformation on my recomp cycle. 250mg test and 250mg of primo is fantastic I might add. ( figured this would be worse trying to recomp from high %) Proviron 50mg added week 2 for Nors mental 😵‍💫 Switched for Anavar 40mg week 8 I’m currently running 250 test. I’ve tried taking a lot of mast compared to test and it just throws my dht:e2 ratio too high, felt like crashed e2. Goal is to get low enough body fat to be able to see my abs all the time and then clean bulk until summer. A good beginner cycle imo would be So I started my first cycle a couple of weeks ago, I was planning on doing 250mg/week of Test E so my first pin was 125mg then after I saw how good I feel I switched to 300mg/week my second pin being 175mg and I thought wth let's get the full benefits of it and go for 400mg/week wanting to do a 16 weeks cycle so last two pin were 200mg, one Mon and one Thu so every 3. . What’s your preferred recomp cycle that provides necessary nutrient partitioning for a My best recomp cycle was 12 weeks of. The 500mg of test starter cycle is beyond stupid and shows people havnt kept up to date with the top thinking by coaches like Victor black or John Jewett. Ok, ok, I get it, I'm fat. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. On the eq+test cycle i felt like my stomach is a black hole. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. Will I still build a decent amount of size with the test Recomp doesn't work great. Or check it out in the app stores I'm stuck in between running a recomp or a deficit while running test c 150 and tren a 500 per week. Here's the difference. The naval body fat test says I’m 19% bf so not exactly sure the true number. It doesn't matter what the ester is. 8 to 1. I’m about 12% body fat and would like to get under 10% and around 158 lbs looking to do a quick cycle for 6 weeks using trenbolone, winstrol and test prop. This looks like a recomp/lean bulk cycle. Next time I use Ostarine, I will be cutting rather than trying to recomp. 25. I've come into some Dbol and am thinking about adding it to this blast. Run the primo drop the masteron. I was 12% body fat, not 18%. My shoulder acne is TERRIBLE, and my forehead is kind of bad. I attempted a cycle (2nd cycle) with 600 primo, up to 10 In the past I've used heavier cycles with combinations so difficult to tell which symptoms came down to which, but my last cycle which I just finished was a mild (@350mg/w) test-E only cycle (my goals have changed) and I experienced the following: I will tell you this though with 20+ years lifting : your success even with PEDS is dependent on your diet, sleep and training. I waited til week 3 before throwing in the t3 and its a nice addition to my recomp blast. It usually goes Ostarine to RAD to 4033 if you’re climbing the ladder and then into the heavier ones like S23 and LGD 3303 after you’re experienced. I’m much more calm about Things that would usually piss me off or upset me. Starting on Week 9 here I added 80 mg Anadrol / day. The conditions most favorable for it to happen are with folks that have a If you’re a newbie at the gym, you’ll recomp with or without the test. EDIT: Ran Trest ace 5mg ED for about 8 weeks with a TRT test-p dose (70mg a week) while doing a slow recomp and eating around maintenance kcal (2700). My best cycle (my current at 400mg week) is 15-20% is a massive range, dude. Experience 1: I ran test/tren/EQ (500mg/wk for each) summer 2015, followed by test/tren/mast (again 500/wk each) summer 2016. I’d say lower both the test and mast to like 200-250 if you really want to cut. Interestingly my acne was pretty manageable when I was on the grim reaper cycle but when I came down to the current stack it's been really, really shitty. Anyways i kinda lost myself in the past year. Starting an lgd-4033 and s4 recomp stack here. Track your calories, train hard & have ai on hand (look up what to look for and when to use it before you get into all this) ive seen dudes run shit like test/winny and completely fuck themselves up. I’m about 12% body fat and would like to get under 10% and around 158 lbs looking to do a quick Pro's: Strength up 15-20% on all lifts, more focus and drive in all area's of life, overall mood increase and sense of well being, greater stress/anxiety resilience. I’m a hyper responder to test. Highest E2 I got was still around 28. It works for me and it is quality stuff. 500mg Test for 16weeks, put on 25 decent pounds (in a surplus) TRT at 125 for 12 weeks, started 600mg test and currently 6 weeks in. Test is test is test. Currently running 840 test (serum only 3500ish) and 700 EQ, but it still seems that E2 is low - will confirm soon. I did a dbol only cycle 30mg ED, Sustanon Deca 500/500, test p tren a 700/350, PCT and Basically it made it so I could recomp at higher calories and come out of it at a heavier weight than if I had done so natty. All the time. Otherwise you’ll end up either spinning your wheels or finishing your cycle as clinically obese. Most don't know this because of the old "it doesn't make you lose fat thats 100% training and diet". A little prior to this, I got on TRT as my test levels were low. 300 test 400 Tren second cycle My second cycle is now at 400 Test E, 350 Tren E, 350 Mast E, having tweaked those numbers out over the last 9 weeks. I did something similar for 8 and had good gains but the extra 4 weeks would have been better Personally I am FWIW I am currently on my second bulk cycle -- first cycle was 600mg test per week, this cycle is 600mg test plus 400mg nandrolone. For the life of me I can't find it but I'm absolutely convinced I've seen a study that compares tren, test, and tren+test and shows tren and test to be the same risk as test only. First was at the end of a 600mg week test cycle, second was during a cruise (yes I know not really a cruise then) with 175 test. My first cycle at 32 was a simple 250mg/week of Test E. Then you could add in anavar halfway through and run it at 50mg a day (split into 25mg 2x/day) for the last 6 weeks. Done a few cycles thus far, about to start my first Tren cycle on 200mg Tren Ace I’m currently 10-12% and pretty fucking lean and wanna hit that 7-8% mark for the first time. Of course there’s going to be difficulty managing estrogen like that. Our objective is to create an in-depth Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Test will help lots with lean mass/recomp. My weight stalled while being in a surplus but I didn’t want to get much fatter. 5mg for E2 control, have only had one itchy nip run and some back acne. History: 2 x 500ml test e cycles 1 x test e 500 mast 400 last summer (favourite cycle and results to date. 1g thinking it might have been underdosed (serum 4500ish at 1. Weight 200. Hello guys I have only done some sarm cycles but now I want do a recomp steroid cycle I’m pretty with abs (12-5% bf) . I’ve managed to basically recomp I added maybe 10lbs but lost fat and gained muscle. Recomp/ Cut Cycle: Rad-140 vs Anavar + 300mg Test . IMO var can be stacked to almost every cycle and is pretty versatile in its use. 3k calories per meal? Pfft, no problems. I’ve been researching about rad140. I think the dbol issues also come from people taking 500mg test and throwing dbol on top on a beginner cycle. Height 5'9. Okay, I used tren first cycle. I used Winstrol at the end of my first cycle (low Test/Tren recomp) at 50mg ED for 6 weeks. With the low shbg that makes my free test really high since nothing is binding to it. A little immediate kick and hgh 2 ius a day, I decided to run tren again but going to take it very low 400 a week of test, 200 a week tren enth, and 300 a week eq, eq I find with tren and test is one of the most under rated stacks, geneticallly I'm quite strong and big to begin with so I really don't tend to run high cycles even when I did back I can share the past 2 and current contest prep cycles I’ve run. My starting weight was around 172-175. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The Anavar lowered my shbg from 83 to 16. Very nice dry gains. Ran it twice, first time at 50mgs a day for four weeks, second at 75mgs for four weeks. 5mg mk-677 and 50mcg T3. He never runs AI on cycle even when he's on test, instead using massive amounts of mast. So i know pretty sad shape right now. Cut first, get down to 12-13%, and use your first cycle for what it’s intended for: building mass. I've never run a cycle specifically for recomp/cutting purposes but would like to try it out this summer. 1). A lot of ppl (men especially) say stop using immediately and it’s getting in my head so I’m starting HGH. Then 6 weeks of oral winni on top at the end of the cycle. What do you want to achieve? My favorite is 150 Test-e/Tren-e 400. I am planning a recomp cycle hoping to shed some fat and gain lean mass. What are your best recomp cycles? It’s not a cycle. But to vaguely answer your question. The Test is just there keep your dick functioning and prevent you feeling from shit. 5% ! Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now cutting rather than recomp, at least from what I saw. other examples, like lgd and (mk677(not a sarm The wiki really needs to be changed. Always heard “test base, test base, test base!”. I run it up to 8weeks a time. Also worked out 5 years before using and had a solid base. Max I’m considering doing 70 mg of tren a week by doing 10mg daily and combining that with 400 mg test. First time pinning so my current plan is to get 30x 1ml 250mg/ml Test E ampules and pin 250mg E3. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. He mentioned 100-200mg/week test and 400-600 mg/week primo/mast. Cons: Could not do more than a brisk walk without my calves turning into an angry ball of rubber bands. Stats: 5’9 94kg bf 25% age 34 Going to run: Sus 250 @ 2ml per week Mast e 200 @ 2ml per week Dbol 30-40mg ed for 4 weeks Total cycle 20weeks Nice bro. I use a low test dose (~200 mg) plus anavar plus clenbuterol for cutting. Waiting on more blood work and getting my thyroid dialed on with Hashimotos. Because there's no real surplus in a recomp, you sometimes feel like you want to lift heavy, sometimes not. Only 13-15% but want to be leaner for summer. Though a test base isn’t really Tren + Test + Sdrol = But I would run the Test equal to or higher than the Tren, the Sdrol as a Kickstart and make it 12 weeks. Worst Experience: -500 tren a -500 test e (swapped to prop 2 weeks out) -400 mast (used 3 weeks out) -winstrol 20mg a day -clen 40mcg -t3 125mcg One full cycle under my belt. libido through the roof, you feel confident as fuck and greek god body. I was on a cycle of 400mg/wk primobolan enanthate and 800mg/week of a test blend (prop, decan, enan, and something else) for 7 weeks. I'm at about a 15% bodyfat and have health, training and life in place where I can afford to run a 16-20 week cycle. Let’s do it again! Obviously the general consensus with most experienced athletes, and participants of the dark arts of glorious gear, is that tren is the Alpha and Omega of physique recomp. I saw a video on Greg doucette channel about movie star cycle for beginners he suggest to take low test with mast or primo also use anavar with it . Thanks for any advice Edit: Thanks for the replies. My plan was to eat at maintenance calories the whole 8 week cycle and keep going up in weights at the gym. 5% bf 4 weeks in I was down to 12% even Just checked again and it's showing me 9. I have access to good quality (vetted and tested) tri-cut blend of Test E, Tren E, and Mast - All three at 100mg/mL each. If you're more into higher doses then run the test/npp/mast About to start a 12 week test only cycle. I've done some pretty heavy AAS cycles in the past but was pleasantly surprised with what I was able to see and get out of such a comparatively benign cycle. I did many cycles from then until now including: test, Anavar, Winnie, NPP, Tren, Mast. Keep the test to primo ratio 1:1. I've seen a ton of your comments and posts over the past few months and I appreciate your input. Good luck with your recomp, it's rather overrated side effect, people say mast rapes hair while they're on their insane dose tren/mast/test cycle you won't lose your hair from one cycle, try it out and see how you react before judging it. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Go to sarmssourcetalk r/sarmssourcetalk • by Vivitom. Without fail, in the past whenever I've recomp, I might as well have just thrown straw into the air to see if I wanted to PR that day. I may end up doing VAR again with the HGH if I’m not satisfied. Started out pretty chonky (I know not recommend)was taking the low and slow approach TRT style. Starting next week I am going to be starting a lean bulk which to me, really is an attempt at a recomp. First cycle was test 500 only, but tbh it was not working - Be aware of the mind toll: halfway you will feel like shit and start to show difficulties during your trainings. Just wanted an opinion here which one will be better for recomp/ cut when considering results + sides I have amazing recomp history with 250mg Test and RAD140 cycle That being said 600 test is very high for a cut. I traded the ment for 350mg of tren and the cycle got way shittier haha. Or check it out in the app stores   8 WEEK RECOMP - TEST TREN ANAVAR 💉 Anabolic Steroids 💉 SO I AM PLANNING AN 8 WEEK CYCLE STARTING TODAY COMPOUNDS:- TREN A 100MG/ML TEST E 250MG/ML ANAVAR 10MG/TAB TELMISARTAN 40MG ARIMADEX AND CABER ON HAND Details of the cycle you included the drug in 500 tren-e/250 test-e/50mcg T3. My first instinct is like this: tren ace 50mgs EOD winstrol 25mgs ED tProp 200mgs total a week Or you could pay for primo and actually stay full, make gains, not suffer from pseudo low e2 sides, and still have clean bloods. RESULTS: During cycle I packed on about 17lbs give or take. Feeling absolutely sensational, my test is around 500 ng/ml and my free test is at the limit of normal range around 168 pg/ml. Questions: - Is 50 mg var ed and 200 mg test a good first cycle? Any suggestions? Curious to know everyone’s experience using either a primo (50 mg a week) with anavar (10 mg a day) cycle or a test p (2-3mg ED) cycle primarily for cutting/recomp? I have only done a 15mg var cycle that I stopped short within 7 weeks because of crazy acne; the benefits def did start to appear by week 4 though. 25KG 16 Week Cycle - 5 Weeks Remaining Test E - 500mg/week NPP -200mg/week Asin 12. I am wondering will I be able to hit this at maintenance calories on a Tren recomp in 8 weeks or should I just cut? This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. my goal is to recomp and cut down mostly and really tighten up my physique. We all know Tren is king when it comes to recomping but it brings a ton of mental sides. On the other hand I’m not sure you’ll get much out of 5mg. Say 5 lbs muscle and 12 % bf. Recomp is not a maintain, recomp is doing two difficult things at half efficiency at the same time. The flatness is real along with the strength being drained on this blast. Literally. com. Details of the cycle you included the compound in Whether you liked the compound or not and whether you’d use it again What this thread ISN'T for: General questions about the compound that are answered by the wiki, or would be better suited for the Ask Anything thread Spitballing your next cycle Non-constructive criticism of other users cycles What is this mysterious “recomp on cycle” We know that you can’t build new muscle tissue in a caloric deficit due to basic physics laws, so yes a bulk is for muscle gain and a cut is for fat loss. An older friend of mine routinely runs a deca cruise, zero test. I blast and cruise year round, and have run very heavy bulk cycles in the past with much success. Not saying this is the proper way, but I now get all of my gear from the underground. Lost 3-4% bf (calipers) and gained about 2lb lean mass (while losing fat) that I kept Here are some experiences that I remember. AFAIK these studies don't usually use testosterone itself when checking if testosterone effects it, but flutamide, an AR agonist, to see how it effects it. 5D, 27g pinning needles, 18g filter needles, 3ml syringes, enough amiridex for 0. Keeping it that low also keeps the Tren sides low and no need for AI. Training sessions posted and videos of some of the sets so you can actually see how things progressed. I chose primo but I was wondering is there a problem running test to primo at a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now By contrast, most guys who go on a recomp/bulk frankly should have done some serious cutting first, and as a result of their recomp/bulk, they often end up looking No I’m not natural on 200mg of test weekly and 35mg of Anavar daily. i stay around 8-9% bf on Hey guys, starting a new cycle soon to recomp my body. I am going to be taking: Weeks 1-2: Tren A @ 50mg/day Weeks 3-4: Tren A @ 75mg/day Weeks 5-10: Tren A @ 100mg/day Weeks 1-3: Test P @ 25mg/day Weeks 4-10 Test P @ 50mg/day Weeks 6-7: Anavar @ 40mg/day Weeks 8-10: Anavar @ 60mg/day Agree on both completely. Last time I cut from 265 ish to 200 naturally when I began lifting, Wow, that sounds amazing. I absolutely love anavar. I started with test prop only so I knew how my body reacted to test only first. 6 weeks ago I started a npp/eq/primo/test cycle after 5 years off or more from messing with nandrolone or 19nors. Just started my first cycle of test e and rad 140 Planning a 500mg/week Test E cut\recomp cycle. This all sounds good until you hear about the crazy obsessive thoughts and jealousy, mental sides people experience on it. Planning on 600mg test e (weeks 1 - 15) / 50mg tbol (weeks 1- 8) / 100 days of 12. Hi peeps - was about to start a recomp/cut cycle I saw from Greg doucette comprised of test primo/mast and anavar. No AI, no changes in blood work whatsoever. 200 test 200 mast cruise was amazing for me without touching my hairline. ran it at 50mg ed as a finisher of a basic 500mg test e cycle ran it at 50mg ed combined with 50mg tbol and 175mg test e I now run it on its own with cruise test at up to 100mg ed or combined with tbol and cruise test at up to 50mg ed. I definitely noticed a much drier look that helped increase vascularity a bit. If you have ran cycles before, it is mostly unlikely you will gain the gains you’re looking for even if you make your organise I did 4 cycles with a bad PCT after the third and I lost almost most of my gains. It's better to keep focusing on your cut and then if you feel like you are lean enough (another 15lbs down or what you are looking for) then do a nicely my goal is to recomp and cut down mostly and really tighten up my physique. It’s a waste of time. Cons: Sleep suffered, had Body recomp is when you gain muscle and lose fat at the same time while staying at a relatively similar weight. E2 is in check with 20, although im aromatizing very hard. Or check it out in the app stores   Edit: Goal is lean mass / recomp I will eat slightly above maintenance Dosages : test/mast/var (200to300/200/30to50) or test /primo (200to300/200to300) My 190. I had similar experience when I finally start using finestride (it can slightly increase test levels) mental health and energy level were better. Yeah why is op being down voted. I have a good base. For my 3rd cycle im planning either 500/300 test/NPP or 500/400 test primo. Especially if you aren’t on a supraohysiological amount of test. Thoughts on adding mk677 to cycle? I'd like to have cut while add slight mass. Starting today I'm going 500mg test C a week and dropping the dbol and switching to 75mg tren A per day. Then added tren e for 13 weeks and Anavar. There's absolutely no proof that prop has less bloat than enanthate. I also don't believe in "recomp" between my last cycle and now I've run a little bit of clen at the cost of some mass to clean things up a bit before this next cycle. Increased my test to 1. If i have to compare running 525mg of tren with 250mg of test or 600 mg of test, i feel like a natty on test alone, the recovery and the workout capacity is that much better For recomp I find that the lowest effective dose which is 50mg EOD for me is sufficient and tolerable. Yeah I’m doing a test cycle about 3 weeks in and haven’t really noticed much in gains yet but I definitely see the biggest improvement in my attitude and the way I look at things. I did 300 tren cause it was my first time, with 375 test. I'm 5'7'' and 166 lbs as of I've been running 600mg test a week for probably 8 weeks now so far, and I've had an incredible recomp effect I'd like to share. It took me a year to recover my psychologic relationship with the food after the cycle. My doctor is offering a discount on 8 weeks of 50 mg /day pharma var for an 8 week cycle. Pre internet there was an awful lot of nonsense. Just kept getting stronger. 5 days. With that said in the back of my head I always wondered why the golden era crew never ran test and never had issues and absolutely loved their look. nearly double the amount of total gear around six months prior. Better results were had with that rather minimal stack vs. Thanks for answering my question. He got bigger, faster, stronger, and leaner while on that stack. An interesting thread that was posted 4 years ago. Of course, this includes test but I was satisfied with anything from low trt dose to high dose worked well but might as well see if low dose does the trick. Next cycle I'll probably just run 750mgs of test with some anadrol cause I can't afford caber. I know here are many people using only low doses(100-300mg) of tren, instead of the usual 400-700mg/week. On a bulk, I'm like holy shit fuck yes, let's add 10 lbs even though I'm supposed to add 5. Full disclosure: for the first experience I was 26 and 27, before I discovered Reddit and got all my knowledge from gym bros, so I don’t recommend this. As for test sesitivity; I didn't see much difference in my pubertal gyno and puffy nips after a standard test E cycle @ 500mgpw, and I had already started a prescribed accutane cycle before I hopped on so I can't really tell if any sides were present. What Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. No AI taken ofc. My old mentor Broderick claimed it’s about 10x stronger than test and I believe him. I’m gonna be eating just under maintenance therefore I’ll be burning fat. My first real cycle was 25mg of var and 200mg of test, later bumped up to 50 var 350 test. I expected it and the trade off is good as I gained 2lb but bodyfat dropped significantly. 20 on a range of 0. First cycle was a basic test c cycle. 5cm / 86KG to 95. I am one week in on that, will do it one more week here adn then pop up to 100 mg / day for the lastr 2 weeks fo the whole cycle. Test Prop 350 NPP 350 Mast P 350 Var 50-75 per day from weeks 4-12. well, rad is a “dry” compound meaning that it will help you build that really dry and hard muscle look which is perfect for recomp as it will build muscle and reduce the fat without causing water retention which in turn will result in you looking more shredded and lean by the end of your cycle. The test should be dosed at the max you can use without an ai then you add in primo (or mast if your cheap) to increase load I plan on doing a cycle in 3 months. I'm starting with 350mg a week of test P and 50mg of dbol a day to get it jump started. To do the most basic comparison. They don’t even know what test solo will do. Size definitely continued to roll in as I continued to eat around His complete cycle was 550 Test E/week, 150 mg Deca/week, 125 mg Tren A/week, & 50 mg MENT/week for a grand total of 875 mg/week. If I still look like a twink after that next cycle I'll just quit tbh. Though it is one of the better steroids for fat loss. 57K subscribers in the PEDs community. Which makes it great for a recomp cycle or during cutting phases. You should run the enth 1-16 and use the prop as a kicker while your blood levels get up Thanks for the input, I’m running 200/350/50 test/tren/var. Oh no ais. Wont turn you into a mass cons: I'M HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. I’ve also got some injectable Cardarine and Stenabolic and I was planning to throw some T3 in there too. I love it. Pros: Great endurance, vascularity up, leaned out and gained a decent amount of muscle. I came down to about 250 Test/200 Mast/300 Deca after running a holy fuckaroni cycle of death for a powerlifting meet. Right now in a relationship with such a good girl, a saint, loving and caring, loyal, only been 1 year but i would love to see it continue, and im Won't start another cycle for another 8 months and until I learn to meal prep. Or check it out in the app stores Ostarine is usually the go to for the first Sarm cycle. qznzb hvfppwx spgitw prfdf ejfdp qoiijj imtdvmst zcmvpq enzkc vxsdy yqqlwy tedkpklh jvoa btmn sxas