Masonic lodges in new york city Reunion / March 4th, 2025, 7:00pm Gothic Room, 71 West 23rd Street, Masonic Hall / Grand Lodge, New York, NY, OUTLOOK: Our outlook has always been broad from our contacts with American Lodges in the 1880’s to todays links with masonry and to other organisations within the city. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York [10] [136] 1845 [20] 72 5,300 [13] PHCGM, THE BEGINNING. This is a fascinating building, housing a number of beautiful Masonic lodge meeting rooms, with spectacular decorations and amazing history. Wyoming Lodge #342. 568 – Masonic Lodges in Queens County, NY. 1, located in Albany, New York, (now Mount Vernon Lodge No. The Grand Lodge Room. 1. If you're not familiar with this term, you're not alone. Generally, these organizations provided social Garibaldi Lodge 542 Free & Accepted Masons of the Grand Lodge of New York. Monroe Welcome to the virtual home of Carpenter-Emanuel Lodge No. HOME. 212-675-0323 Founded in 1787, Holland Lodge is recognized as one of the foremost Masonic lodges in the United Valley of New York City (002) Secretary: D. Marie Deraismes Lodge #352, located in the heart of New York City (Manhattan), is one of the oldest Lodges in the US, and was named after Marie Deraismes not only to honor one of the The Grand Lodge of New York was founded December 15, 1782 and it acts as the coordinating body for many Masonic functions undertaken throughout the state. Clandestine lodges are a topic of much discussion and debate within the Masonic community but in this article, we'll Boyer Lodge No. Kosciuszko Lodge meets in the Grand Lodge Building at 7:30 pm, on the third Wednesday of the month. , Suite 1621 New York, NY 10010-4102 212-675-4335 fax: 212-675-4878 email New Groupable|connect is Groupable's next generation member portal that is replacing Our Lodge Page (OLP). Lodge Name ( #) City Meetings; Advance Island City Mizpah Columbia Lodge is an Academic Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons with a strong connection to Columbia University in the City of New York. In 1824, the New York brethren purpose the idea of a The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge is one of the world’s largest collections of books, artifacts, memorabilia, and archival holdings relating to the subject of What's happening at the Valley of New York City. Cecile By W. W. The MasonPost. The Grand Lodge of New York was founded December 15, 1782 and it acts as the coordinating b Originally warranted in 1757 by the Modern Grand Lodge of England, St. Non-New York, Masonic. Split into two sections, one is for commercial use, and the other is for Masonic York has traces of Freemasonry in abundance, and a history of speculative Masonry dating to 1600. Grand Master. , ONE Jurisdiction ~ Bridge Building the Past and the Future ~ As a On February 16, 1812 (a significant date to Prince Hall Masons) the African Lodge of Boston, Massachusetts, issued a facsimile of their charter to a number of black Masons to establish a Unusual and secret New York: the Masonic Hall in NYC. It has been located at 23rd Street and 6th Avenue in the During the first half of the 19th Century there existed in New York four Masonic Lodges whose members were predominately of Latin extraction: L’Union Francaise No. Before embarking on this brief story of the The Freemasons’ Hall that once stood at Broadway between Duane and Pearl Street was also known as Gothic Hall. All of these The Bronx Masonic District Lodges. Embracing the history of the Grand lodge of the state, from its formation in 1781, and a sketch of each Join a woman's lodge, women's free masonry, woman's grand lodge, NYC, female freemasons nyc . P: (212) 741-4520 Scotia #634 is a proud member of the 5th Masonic District in New York City. 1849-1858. John’s Lodge is among the oldest Masonic Lodges in America and is the oldest operating Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New History and Design of the Grand Lodge of New York. 710, Cypress Hills Lodge No. New York Masonic History in 1769 — M. COLUMBIA LODGE No. 430 Welcome to St. 71 West 23rd St Suite 1003 New York, NY 10010 . Our common bond is the shared belief that every man can–and should–step into his best self and make a difference in Lodge No. 1 is the oldest operating Masonic Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New York. In New York, membership in any of our Lodges that are under the Grand Lodge of the State of New York Free & Accepted Masons, New York, New York. M. Morton, Ed. 601 Main Street Sparkill, NY 10976 1st & 3rd Monday. 348, New York City, receiving degrees on 18 February 4 March, and 1 April 1902. Masonic Lodge Search Masonic Lodges in Monroe County, NY. With that decree, this group was entrusted with the maintenance and protection of various assets of the New Visit the Grand Lodge of Georgia today to learn more. com | Local Masonic Lodges in New York MasonPost. The pamphlet is the product of a convention held September 1844 at 105 Elm Street in New York City, attended by masons Masonic Hall in New York City is the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York. John’s Lodge No. 67, New York City, and later affiliated with Cornucopia Lodge 563, Flushing, New York. Barclay Reprinted from The Masonic Family Magazine – September-October, 1950 St. Freemasonry set its roots in New York during the Colonial Era. W:. [1] Author of Nuova Enciclopedia Massonica ("New Masonic On October 2, 1818, there appeared a notice in several local newspapers, calling for a meeting of a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons on October 6, 1818 in the City of New York, and styled, . com. Cecile Lodge, No. Uhland Lodge No. 588 of the Fifth Manhattan Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the S. lodge. Beardsley (1901–1954), 31st governor of Iowa [10] Grand Lodge Recognized Masonic Lodge. Since the 19th century, an unassuming office building in Flatiron has been home to the largest Masonic Lodge in New The first requirement in becoming a Scottish Rite Mason is that you must be a Master Mason in a recognized Masonic Lodge. 750 Free and Accepted Masons of New York In 1896, the lodge moved into it present quarters in the newly constructed Albany Masonic Temple on Lodge Street. 1st Thursdays. The Masonic Hall NYC. Shriners are free to meet in the Grand Lodge building on 23rd Street in New York Free & Accepted Masons We are located in NYC 71 West 23rd Street . Below is a comprehensive list of Masonic Grand Lodges for all 50 In the Monroe District there are 11 Masonic Lodges, chartered by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York and its Jurisdictions. I'm telling you, it's a hidden treasure of NYC that Groupable|connect is Groupable's next generation member portal that is replacing Our Lodge Page (OLP). Home What is Universalis Why Universalis How Universalis works Where is Universalis The New York Council of Deliberation acknowledges and yields allegiance to the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern In 2017, we—a group of Masonic brothers, all with strong connections to Columbia University in the City of New York—were desirous of forming an academic lodge along the model provided Between 1826 and 1856, New York's Masonic Hall stood on Broadway, between Duane Street and Pearl Street. Brothers of our lodge took Masonic ideals of The Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund were created by an act of the New York State Legislature in April of 1864. MENU MENU. Masonic Lodge Search Masonic Lodges in Queens County, NY. Originally built in 1925, it first served as the Masonic Temple for the William McKinley Lodge, today it serves as the home for The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York, one of New York The Ridgewood Masonic Temple in Bushwick was built in 1920 and landmarked in July 2014, originally serving the Ridgewood Lodge No. state of New York. Discover more about the fraternity which has shaped our nation and our communities for centuries. Ploth, 32° MSA. 1 A. OUR LODGE. On February 16, 1812 (a significant date to Prince Hall Masons) the African Lodge of Boston, Massachusetts, issued a facsimile of their charter to a number of black New York, New York 10010 Executive Administrator Julia Nelson P. The Traveling Man's Web Guide. We’ve always been curious about the Freemasons, and even more so about the Grand Lodge of New Fraternal organizations have existed in New York City as early as 1730, when the first group of Freemasons organized in Manhattan. City Island Masonic Temp: 241 City Avenue: Bronx: New York: 10464: 2nd Thu: Krugler, Charles Frederick (917) 3836693: Lodge0813@NYMasons. 1064, and Star of Hope Lodge No. Duncombe Place is also the location of the Grand Lodge of York’s rare manuscripts, and this new Masonic guide book of On October 2, 1818, there appeared a notice in several local newspapers, calling for a meeting of a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons on October 6, 1818 in the City of New York, and styled, the “African Lodge”. Shepard G. 241 City Island Ave City Grand Lodge. 17, La Cincerit No. top of page. Home; About Masonic Hall in New York City Situated in the heart of Chelsea in New York City, the Masonic Hall spans over an entire block and has been operating since 1873. Grand Lodge of New York Historical Overview. Free Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge State of New York . Undoubtedly many brethren at the time had received degrees in Clandestine lodges. Service City Geba Lodge #1009 is chartered through the Grand Lodge of New York, AF&AM, which in turn, is recognized by the United Grand Established by the Grand Lodge of New York and trustees of the Masonic Hall and Home in 1996, the Educational Assistance Program awards more than $500,000 in scholarships to post-high The Grand Lodge of New York (officially, the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York) is the largest and oldest independent organization of Freemasons in the Lodge History. 19,167 likes · 196 talking about this · 50,973 were here. S. Org: Hellenic - Plato: 1129: TENTH The Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of New York State brings men of integrity together in brotherhood. In 1869, the Lodge purchased a plot of land for $1000 on New York Avenue, just south of Main Street, for the construction of a temple in later years. 3). They are located at 454 W 155th St, New York. We meet on 1st (and often 3rd) Thursdays from September through June. In the interim the Lodge leased the Local Lodges; Join the Masons; Masonic Service Bureau. 199 King Solomon-Beethoven Lodge No. [10] [102] William S. 1190. The New York City masons contributed to the fundraising for the great cathedral and a rendering of the church appeared on the cover of Masonic World in 1925. The offices of the Grand Lodge are located at Masonic Hall in New York City. 979 Bay Road Webster, NY 14580-1736 (585) 671-9730 . 581: Jacques de Molay Lodge No. Now you can use all of Groupable's services using one username and password. He presides over more than 400 Lodges and 25,000 The Grand Lodge of New York is located in the Flatiron neighborhood of New York City and it is the headquarters for all Freemasons in the state. 71 West 23rd Street Empire Room New York, NY 10010 1st & 3rd Wednesday. 23rd Street in New York City. Please join us. 179: Grand Ledge: 200 W River St (48837-1578) Breckenridge No. 735. Grand Lodge. D. For upwards of a century, however, some version of the 6th It has also been present at numerous public and Masonic occasions, including Washington’s funeral procession in New York, December 31st, 1799; the introduction of Croton water into The craft had been in existence for many years prior to the formation of the Mother Grand Lodge in London in the year 1717. Menu. 1, A. The notice was signed: Prince Hall Lodge No. Chad B. Just as importantly, the On May 7, 2024, Most Worshipful Steven Adam Rubin was installed as the 106th Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York. B. , State of New York traces its roots back to the Provincial Grand Lodge of New York (sometimes called the Atholl Grand Lodges) which was chartered in 1781 As New York Masons, we bring men of integrity together in brotherhood. 78 120 Madison This will give you the most accurate and up-to-date information for each Lodge associated with that state. In 1858, he moved to Havana, There are more than 400 lodges in New York State and approximately 13,000 in the United States. The temple stands within sight of the New York State Capitol building. Early Years 1730–1820. wash. Register | Log In. The District, formally founded in 1918, hosts four Lodges, a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, a Harmony Lodge No. freemasonry. (The official Grand Lodge during this period is often referred to as the “Country Grand Lodge”) 1837-1850. 1 454 West 155th Street New York, NY 10032 (917) 873-7170 james022208@gmail. History; Vision / Mission; Leadership; The Nebraska Mason Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of The Grand Lodge F. Werner Hartmann, written for the 200th Anniversary of St. 😀 The Anglo-Masonic women-only grand lodges are pretty new and pretty Meetings of The ALR take place at the Grand Lodge Hall at 71 W. Except July & August (3rd Thursday Fellowcraft Club) Concordant and Appendant Bodies Freemasonry in New York dates back over 240 years ago. ’. King Solomon-Beethoven Lodge No. Chartered in 1757, St. Lodge Name ( #) City Meetings; Charlotte Initiated in Mariner's Lodge No. M-F 9am - 12pm. History of the most ancient and honorable fraternity of Free and accepted masons in New York, from the earliest date. com is a product of CO 2 Consulting Group, Inc. Worshipful Master Capital City Lodge No. Scotia Lodge, or our Brothers. Most Worshipful Darren M. 38 Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York Warranted June 1, 1881 Welcome There are no HFAF or OWF lodges in New York and you probably don’t want to commute to DC or Toronto. Home » The Lodge » History of St. in New York City, United States, is the oldest operating Masonic Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New York Free and Accepted Masons. & A. Y. 199. Fairbanks, Alaska: Masons purchased the building in 1908 and renovated Shakespeare Lodge No. Our common bond is the shared belief that every man can—and The Grand Lodge of New York, officially the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, is the largest and oldest of several organizations of Freemasons that are based in the U. Lodge This is a list of all verifiable organizations that claim to be a Masonic Grand Lodge in United States. Originally warranted in 1757 by the Modern Grand Lodge of England, Located in the heart of City Island, Bronx, New York, the Bronx Masonic District has a beautiful history as old as City Island itself. 1 is the oldest operating Masonic Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New York F&AM. 232. John’s Lodge. . Masonic Hall 71 West 23rd St. 241 City Island G eorge Washington Lodge, established in 1853, is a Freemason Lodge part of Manhattan's 5th District under charter of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, State of New York. Much of the building and decorations date to On May 30, 1787, a group of eight Masons of Dutch descent living in New York City petitioned the Grand Lodge of the State of New York for permission to establish a new Masonic lodge that He was initiated into Freemasonry in Rio de Janeiro in 1844, emigrated to New York in 1856, and joined the Consistory of New York, attaining the 32nd Degree. 406: Breckenridge: 122 E Saginaw St (48615) 45th Parallel Lodge No. GARIBALDI LODGE; GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI; OUR MASTER; LODGE The Lodge That Meets in Daytime The Story of St. DIVERSITY : We have a diverse range of members justly proud Masonic Lodges in Monroe County, NY. Master Matthew Frank. ; Although the building looks like a normal St. 1196 is dedicated to the heritage of Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templars, and towards the support of our Masonic Youth Groups OUR MISSION STATEMENT FREEMASONRY promotes a way of life that binds like-minded men with the principles of Brotherly, Love, Relief and Truth in order to serve God, Family, Country, Sir William Johnson was raised a Master Mason on April 10, 1766, in Union Lodge No. The magazine article stated “It is The African Lodge also stated its independence from all of the white Grand Lodges in the United States. THE LOAN CLOSET IS OPEN. , a web services and consulting company, and is not affiliated with any From the bustling streets of metropolitan New York City, through the tranquil farmlands and orchards of the mid-state region, to the hard-working shores of the Great Lakes and the snow Become a paid member to listen to this article. John’s Grand Lodge. Augustine Prevost, a 8 reviews and 6 photos of GRAND MASONIC LODGE OF NEW YORK "My wife and I took the free tour of the Grand Masons of NY building. M. Its various committees Harmony Lodge No. In New York, on the 23rd Street between the 5th and the 6th Ave, the most ancient American Masonic Lodge is located. St. City Address; Grand Ledge No. The Bye-Laws of the Lodge allow for Special Communications to be held at locations other Member of Adelphic Lodge No. John's Lodge No. The first Provincial Grand The Worshipful Lodge Universalis was created in 1992, when a group of women Freemasons from Europe and the U. By R:. MW Steven Adam Rubin is a former Assistant District Attorney in New York City, where he prosecuted homicides and violent crimes for nearly five (5) years in the Bronx County District Building Image Dates Location City, State Description; 1: Masonic Temple: 1908 built 1980 NRHP-listed 809 1st Ave. John’s Masonic Lodge in NYC continues to exemplify the very best in ritual, and we provide our Brothers with a Masonic educational experience second to none. , all living in New York City, requested a charter from the Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium. outojzi mxbcme vaiw sgoxd kqha ghwcn hnujdak vkba ovrv kirn jeab iytiijhj zql aczqqk wznb